328 Dewey Street
Bennington, Vermont 05201
Please call toll free
(800) 286 - 9171
8am - 5pm EST Monday - Friday
- or -
Fax us at (802) 447 - 1902 at anytime. You may fax or e-mail
your name plus a phone number and time when you can be reached,
and Jeff will call you back. Jeff likes to talk with each CAB™
user before shipping the board.
$99.95 plus shipping and handling fees
Includes a detailed instruction manual
(Pump and Ball not included)
Visa and MasterCard accepted
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Full money-back refund within
30 days.
Patent # D 385, 313 Videtto Enterprises Inc.
An instruction booklet is enclosed with your CAB™ order.
PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY BEFORE your feet touch the board!
Children under eight may be too young to use the CAB™.
Please ask your doctor.
If you have ankle or knee problems, please be sure to consult
your doctor or physical therapist prior to using the CAB™.
Your doctor or therapist can determine if the CAB™ provides
an appropriate exercise or therapy program for you.
Questions about the board?
Please give Jeff a call at 1-800-286-9171.turn
to Order Information |